Bobby’s Story

Bobby Clay, YBSF Ambassador

As an Ambassador of Young Bones Strong Future Bobby is using her experience of REDs and Osteoporosis to help set the agenda for the charity. Her insight is crucial in helping us advocate for those affected.

I am Bobby Clay and I was an international athlete from 15-19yrs old, competing in 1500m and cross country and won both European and world medals. Unfortunately the word “was” is crucial here- my athletics career came crashing down with an Osteoporosis diagnosis at 19. From this diagnosis onwards I was riddled with multiple fractures and told I would never run again. Medical professionals gave me no hope to any form of normal life and I felt very alone and uncertain about if there was any happiness to had in my future.

After rebuilding my body to the best of my ability, I refocused my mind to advocate for RED-S awareness and sharing my story to try to help prevent other young people’s dreams falling down around them.

When Young bones got in contact with me I could feel the passion possessed by both Meg and Matt and knew it was destined for me to get on board. Young bones is what I needed back then, so I can’t wait to see the journey we go on to support those who need Young bones now
— Bobby Clay

Meg’s story


Georgie’s Story