Georgie’s Story

Georgie Panchaud, YBSF Ambassador

As an Ambassador of Young Bones Strong Future, Georgie’s experience of anorexia and REDs helps provide important insight to shape the direction of the charity. With the trustees, Georgie’s role in building insight and influencing is crucial in helping others with similar experiences.

Sport has always formed a very important part of my life - as a child I swam competitively and then in my 20s I raced road bikes. Between these times I struggled with anorexia which I developed at the age of 11. The turning point came when I fractured my hip running when I was 20 and also found out I had osteopenia. I vowed to get strong and healthy, and after surgery and injury rehab, I went on to very happily ride for a women’s national-level cycling team for about 5 years.

Unfortunately I then developed RED-S and a second DEXA scan aged 28 revealed I had osteoporosis. The diagnosis really floored me and ultimately led to me giving up bike racing. My own research and meetings with doctors regarding osteoporosis have left me feeling confused and scared as to what the future may hold.

I have been told that I have missed the boat in regards to bone accrual, but also that osteoporosis is entirely reversible. When I found Young Bones on social media I knew that I wanted to get involved. Both in terms of hopefully preventing others from following a similar (well-intentioned but mis-directed!) path, but also with the aim of building a community so that a diagnosis of osteoporosis doesn’t mean you have to suffer in silence.
— Georgie Panchaud

Bobby’s Story